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Erin’s Feel Good Blog: Niall Horan & Maren Morris

Be still by teeny bopper heart!  Last Sunday I headed out to the Ruoff Home Mortgage Music Center on a very warm and sweaty day! But it was worth it… why? Because I was about to see 1/5th of One Direction- Niall Horan! He was on his first Flickr World Tour!

I was really excited for this night a lot of reasons. 1. I haven’t been to a One Direction related concert in awhile. 2. Maren Morris was opening for him. 3. I had a photo pass to cover the event for our station!

We grabbed some refreshments and it was time to go! Maren came on stage to start it off. She was wearing an Adidas shirt and shorts, and high heels. First of all, if I tried to pull this off I would look cray. She looked like a fashionista. I’ve seen Maren once before when she opened up for Sam Hunt. I was JUST  as impressed with her this day! She has such a powerful voice that literally fills the stadium to the brim. She also has like 1500 hits, so I always have a blast singing along to them! Love her!

Break time. Refuel with some water. Sweat profusely.

Time for Niall! In true One Direction nature all the teenyboppers (me) screamed the second he hit the stage. He put on a great show! I was actually super impressed at how unique his sound is. He really has found a sound of his own over the years. He of course interjected that cute and sharp Irish wit.  (and that accent. oh my gosh. I am such a sucker for a guy with an accent!) My only regret is that I didn’t learn all of his songs before the show, so a lot of them were just me standing there trying to mouth the words and look cool.

He did play the hits though! And you can bet I screamed them out! SLOW HANDSSSSSSS! Here’s some pics from the night!

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