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Ben’s Entertainment Blog: Happy National Read-a-Book Day!

We all have a favorite TV show. I have watched Scrubs so many times that I can recite most every episode line for line, and can watch 2 seconds of a clip and tell you exactly what season, and episode it is from. TMI? Yeah that was probably TMI. We all have that favorite movie too. I’ve seen Disney/Pixar’s the Incredible’s so many times that in the event of a digital collapse where all copies of the film have been destroyed I could perfectly recreate it from memory.

But what about a favorite book? A book that you can recite backwards and forwards. A book that you could write such an amazing book report for that your teacher helps you get it published and your book report starts to sell more copies than the book it was about. What is that book for you?

There are is such a vast array of entertainment in the world today it forces us to pick and choose something that is truly worth our time because it is physically impossible for one person to consume it all. In a world like this what is that book that makes you stop watching and start reading. For me there are 3 books.

  1. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime by Mark Haddon – I wasn’t very much into school reading. Many of the books that I was told to read were so boring that I could barely force myself to finish them (i.e. A Separate Piece and  Animal Farm). The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime was the first book that I got so invested in that I couldn’t stop reading it. I’ve read it multiple time since high school and have even seen the play and it is just an incredible story. It’s about an autistic boy who finds out that the neighbor’s dog has been murdered and he takes it upon himself to find the killer. I can’t say anymore, you just have to read it.
  2. Ready Player One by Ernest Cline – This book is wild. I’ve always been a fan of 80s entertainment so a book that focuses mainly on that time period in a race against the clock style is just so much fun. That said… I must point out that the movie is just utter garbage compared to this book. It has such positive reviews and everyone I’ve talked to that watched it has loved it and I just don’t understand why. There is so much wrong with it I don’t even know where to begin. But the book? The book is a masterpiece and you should read it.
  3. Jack Reacher: The Killing Floor by Lee Child – Intense from start to finish. The Jack Reacher series is about an ex military police officer who has gone off the grid to live out his life. In this book, he finds gets arrested and doesn’t understand why until he’s told that a murder had been committed near him and he was the only one around. After getting released he decides to investigate the murder on his own and discovers that the man who was murdered was his brother. Great series, I started with this book and was hooked! The movies with Tom Cruise are okay too. Not as good as the books.

Since it’s national read a book day, I encourage you to either take a book that you love and begin to read it again or to find something new and give it a go. There is not much more peaceful in life than sitting outside on a beautiful day with a good book. What’s your favorite book? Leave a comment below or on social media!

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