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Ben’s Entertainment Blog: Make Time for Your Dreams

Hey there everyone! Typically I focus on one form of entertainment in these blogs, but I’m going to tackle something different today. Have you been saying to yourself for years that you’d like to go to Disney World? Have you always wanted to go to a cubs game or a concert but just never seem to make the time for it? Of course you have. Everyone does. But since you’re here looking at this today, I want for you to start thinking about making that dream vacation a reality.

Recently I went and saw Phil Collins perform live which has been a lifelong dream of mine. On road-trips as a kid, my dad would always put on a Genesis cassette and we’d listen to it for hours. Invisible Touch, Land of Confusion, and Abacab were some of my favorites in case you’re curious. My dad even got me a Genesis CD when I got older and I’d listen to it a ton on my old CD player.

I never thought I would get to see him live though because Genesis broke up and he didn’t tour in the US for a long time. A few months ago my fiancee Caele told me that she bought me tickets to see Phil Collins live in Columbus Ohio and I couldn’t believe it! I was actually going to go and see one of my all time favorite artists in person!

I’ll be honest… I don’t really care much for concerts. It’s crowded, expensive, the people are loud and obnoxious and I’m not very tall so if someone taller than me stands in front of me I get to enjoy the back of their head for the evening instead of watching the performance. Phil Collins was perfect. We sat in the back row where the tickets were the cheapest. People don’t stand when you’re all the way in the back so we could see perfectly, and since the speakers weren’t directly next to my ears it wasn’t super loud! It was everything that I could have every hoped for. He played all of my favorite Phil Collins songs including, In the Air Tonight, Sussudio, Can’t Buy Me Love and of course a few Genesis hits (Invisible Touch was one of them, so that made my night).

All this to say, that had my fiancee not bought me the tickets I probably wouldn’t have even known he was coming near by. I probably wouldn’t have bought myself tickets, and I probably would never have seen him live. I had the time of my life at that concert, and am so glad I had the opportunity to see it. Don’t let your dreams stay dreams. If you’ve always wanted to go to Disney World, find a way to make it happen. If you’ve always wanted to go to a sporting event, or on a cruise or to a foreign country, do it. One day Phil Collins won’t be performing live anymore. Don’t wait because the longer you wait, the more likely you are to miss out on your dream.

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