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Ben’s Entertainment Blog: Ben’s Movies

Acting and movie making has been a part of my life since I was 16. I met my best friend Erik in high school and the two of us have been making videos together for the last decade. I always feel like I have to justify the videos whenever I tell people about them. They’re actually good! Whenever I say “I have a Youtube channel,” people usually look at me with a weird look that says “please don’t make me watch your terrible vlog.”

Our videos are typically action comedy. They’re safe for kids to watch as long as you don’t mind a little blood here and there. The movies feature all of my high school friends who have at this point all moved off to start their own careers somewhere. The videos stay up on Youtube to this day. And though we don’t make new videos often, we still have a steady stream of subscribers coming in every week. I’ll post a couple videos at the bottom if anyone’s interested.

I bring all of this up because today I leave for a nine day “vacation” to star in my first feature length movie. It’s called “Spiral Drive.” I can’t say much because I don’t want to spoil anything, but it’s a horror comedy about two guys on a road trip to Los Angeles. But of course as all horror movies go, things don’t go according to plan, and in this case we get trapped in the woods.

Needless to say I’m super excited about it. Erik who I mentioned earlier, wrote it and the two of us will be playing the two guys in the movie. Once it’s made the movie will go on to compete in some different festivals and from there hopefully will be screened in theaters. I’m going to see if I can pull some strings to get it to come to Kokomo.

Here’s some of the videos I’m most proud of below, check it out and let us know in the comments what you think!

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