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Kokomo— The Howard County Health Department will be offering the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine at the Kokomo Event Center starting January 27th. The Kokomo Event Center is located at 1500 North Reed Road, Kokomo.

Individuals who received their first dose of vaccine from the Howard County Health Department and were scheduled to receive their second dose at another location will now need to visit the Kokomo Event Center for their second dose. The Howard County Health Department will reach out to these individuals to ensure they are informed of the change in location. 

The vaccine is now available to individuals age 70 and older, as well as to licensed and unlicensed healthcare workers and first responders who have face-to-face interactions with patients or infectious material or work in a public-facing position that requires in-person contact. A photo ID and proof of age and, if applicable, verification of current employment as a healthcare worker or first responder in Indiana will be required.


Due to limited supply, vaccine is available by appointment only to those currently eligible as determined by the Indiana Department of Health. That complete list is posted to, and appointments can also be scheduled at that website. Those who need assistance scheduling or with transportation to the vaccine site may call 211. There is no cost to the individual, but insurance may be charged an administration fee. Individuals should bring a photo ID and an insurance card if they have one. Appointments are required; walk-ins will not be accepted.

The Moderna COVID-19 vaccine required two doses administered at least 28 days apart. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it typically takes a few weeks for the body to build immunity after the second vaccination. 

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the vaccine under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), meaning the vaccine must be proven safe and effective in the same way that all medications and devices must be. The vaccine have been found in trials to be 94 percent effective in preventing COVID-19 infections in participants. Side effects are temporary and are generally mild, including fatigue, headache, and sometimes fever. 

Certain individuals may not be able to receive the vaccine or may need to postpone it. Currently, the CDC advises individuals who have a history of severe allergic reactions to polyethylene glycol (PEG) or polysorbate to not receive an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine, which includes both the Pfizer and the Moderna vaccines. Individuals need to wait 14 days between receiving the COVID-19 vaccine and any other vaccine. Anyone who has received another vaccine within 14 days of their COVID-19 vaccine appointment will be required to reschedule their COVID-19 vaccine for a later date. Individuals who are currently sick will also need to wait to receive their COVID-19 vaccine until they have recovered from their illness. 

People who have been vaccinated may still be able to infect others, so even those who are vaccinated should continue wearing a mask and quarantining if they are a close contact of a positive case. 

The best ways to protect yourself and others are to:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Avoid touching your face with unwashed hands
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick 
  • Stay home when you’re sick
  • Cover your cough or sneeze 
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces

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