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Important COVID-19 updates from Duke Energy

Important COVID-19 updates

Our highest responsibility to you is the delivery of reliable electric service. That’s always important, but never more so than now as we navigate this unprecedented time together.

Beyond that, we are committed to finding additional ways to help protect and serve the whole community, and especially those who are most vulnerable. Here’s some of what we’re doing.

Financial relief

We understand that many customers may be facing unexpected financial hardships. To help, we have suspended disconnections for nonpayment for home and business accounts during this time. Effective March 21, we will waive all fees for late payments and returned checks, and for credit or debit card payments for residential accounts. In addition, we are relaxing our usual timelines for payment arrangements. Customers who were recently disconnected can contact us to make arrangements for service restoration.

We still encourage you to stay as current as you can with your payments. This helps you avoid building up a large balance for later and it helps support those in your community who need financial assistance the most.

Precautions for face-to-face interactions

In an effort to help reduce the spread of COVID-19, we are taking extra precautions with in-person customer meetings and interactions. Our employees may ask a series of questions before entering your home or facility. They may also wear special protective clothing and ask that you help them maintain a distance of at least 6 feet. Remember also that our employees and contractors will always have proper identification.

Alternative solutions for customer services

While you can still call to speak to a customer service representative, you will be able to find nearly all you need by visiting our website or downloading our mobile app. You can view and pay bills, start and stop service, learn about special assistance, manage your account and much more.

We will continue to look for ways to help you negotiate these difficult times. You can keep up with our preparations as circumstances change by visiting

Stay healthy and safe,

Barbara Higgins,
Chief Customer Officer
Duke Energy

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