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What I’m Reading!

Jessica and I got into a conversation today about what we are both reading. She is making it a priority to read more and has goals for the year. I’ve been reading more as well! It’s really all about making time to do something you like.

I always find that reading makes me calm. And let’s me escape. Not that I’m trying to escape my life by any means, but its a fun way to enter another world for awhile and use my imagination in ways I haven’t before. While growing up I loved reading. Thankfully part of my homework in school required me to read. We even had designated reading time called SSR (Sustained Silent Reading). I LOVED this.

Well, I’m also a sucker for nostalgia. So I decided to combine both of those worlds and landed on the Harry Potter series! I remember being a kid and reading these books. It went into my young adulthood. I would freak out every time a new book or movie came out. My Dad and I really bonded over them.

Right now I’m on the 4th book. Whenever anyone asks for a suggestion of what to read I always suggest this series if they haven’t read them already. They are fun, and creative and likable by almost everyone! I look forward to my bed time each night when I sit on my bed and pull out my illustrated book and read a couple chapters. If you’re looking for something to read- try the Harry Potter series!

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