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I started playing video games again!

Happy New Year everyone!

I hope you had a fantastic holiday season! We are back to the grind! Before break I decided that I wanted to start up a new hobby. I found that I was spending endless hours on Netflix and not doing enough to make my brain think. So I did a few things to help. 1. I started playing Sodoku. (AND I’M ALREADY ON LEVEL HARD YA’LL!) 2. I started playing video games again! I recently decided to purchase a used Xbox 360. The last game system I really remember having was the Super Nintendo! Controllers have really changed since then.

My friend told me that an easy game to start with would be any of the Lego games. I grabbed the Lego Harry Potter games and was off! You guys- I’m seriously obsessed! If you’re like me and you haven’t played video games since you were a kid, this is a great way to get into them again. The HP games are incredibly user friendly and as my friend likes to remind me “10 year olds can do it”. Lol.

They’ve been super fun to play and allow me to use my brain more than just lounging in front of the TV would. If you are looking to add another hobby to your world-try video games!

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