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Furry Friday’s! How to deal with the cold weather!

Baby it’s cold outside! It is and it is time to keep in mind that if you aren’t comfortable for too long outside than neither are your pets. Jackets, booties and even a scarf could help on a walk with your dog but the key is to not make it too long when the weather is frigid and make sure to take some care when you get back inside. Wipe your dog’s feet and belly to get off any road salt that may be stuck to their feet or fur, the regular salt can be irritating to skin. As far as spending time out in the yard, a little goes a long way. It doesn’t take long for frostbite to occur when the temp is below freezing. Check out this link from the ASPCA for some cold weather information:


Check out our adoptable pet of the week Saber in this weeks video on our Facebook page! He is available for a senior discount- $50 adoption fee!

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