Everyone’s got that one thing that’s weird that we eat. I remember as a kid I always loved eating burnt toast, cold mac and cheese and frozen cinnamon toast… Okay maybe my eating habits were a little weirder than normal… But maybe your eating habits are weird too! Buzzfeed released a survey talking about the way we eat certain foods, see if you fit into any of this weirdness:
1. 21% of people don’t peel their string cheese, they just bite the entire thing.
2. 14% eat ribs with a knife and fork.
3. 19% eat macaroni and cheese with a spoon.
4. 18% eat pizza with a knife and fork.
5. 7% eat pizza crust first.
6. 5% don’t break apart Kit Kat bars and just take bites of the entire thing.
7. 5% eat canned ravioli straight out of the can, cold.
8. And 1% of people eat their cereal with milk and ice cubes.
Are you weirder than you thought? Let us know!
Check out the full Buzzfeed quiz here!
-Blog post written by Ben Rutz