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Need motivation to stay hydrated?! Try this!

Hello friends!

Erin Fletcher here. It’s Wednesday. We’re halfway through the week and we are getting through it ya’ll! Earlier this week my blog talked about a goal I have to live more in the moment. I wanted to share another goal that I have with you all- to STAY MORE HYDRATED!

We all know that drinking water is good for you, but we don’t seem to do it enough! Why? Maybe we get busy and don’t take time to actually drink water. Or, if you’re like me, sometimes I legit get bored with water? Is that a thing? I am declaring it a thing! Sometimes I would rather drink Pop, or coffee or something with flavor.

But sometimes its good to get back to basics! Water is great for you. And not just during the sweltering Summer months!

If you want to drink more water, AND do something great for the environment- INVEST IN A GOOD REUSABLE WATER BOTTLE!

This is something I have decided to do about a year ago and it seems to have saved me lots of plastic waste and money! We have a water jug here at work that we can all use. I take advantage of that! I invested in a Yeti water bottle. Do I recommend them? Yes! Do I know that they are way to expensive? Also yes. Does it keep my water cold for 3 days straight? Yes. There are other water bottles out there that probably work just as great as this one, so don’t think this is the end all be all of water bottles. But the Yeti has worked really well for me! It also is pretty and keeps me motivated to continuously drink water throughout the day!

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